soft landing
landing of a spacecraft (eg on the moon) that avoids damage or destruction 软着陆(航天器着陆而不受损, 如着陆于月球时).
1. There is no safe landing on that coast. 那一带海岸没有安全的登陆处.
2. There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft. 他们不仅搜刮吃的喝的,而且抢掠妇女,安逸的生活已使丹麦军队变得软弱无力。
3. Through the windows a soft light shone, and the sweet music of the Sabbath anthem made him approach the iron fence. 柔和的灯光透过窗子射了出来。礼拜日赞美诗的美妙的音乐吸引住了他,把他带到了铁栏杆前。
4. The mood of the people on the landing had quite changed by now, and they were muttering with anger. 站在楼梯平台上的人们的情绪现在已经有了很大的改变,他们都气愤地嘀咕着。
5. There are those in this beautiful village in the mountains of Scotland (population, 320) who say they were never quite sure about Anthony Williams, the soft-spoken, wealthy noble who arrived in 1986 with his well-dressed wife. 这个美丽的山村座落在苏格兰山区,总共只有320人,其中一些村民说,他们一直不太了解安东尼·威廉斯。这位有钱的贵族说话和气,1986年和他穿着入时的妻子一同来到这里。
6. Her skin was soft and creamy. 她的皮肤柔软细腻。
7. Her eyes are big and a little shy, her voice is soft, her skin a light brown colour.) 大眼睛,有点羞答答的,柔和的声音,浅褐色的皮肤)
8. His flesh, when Kaz touched him, had the soft feel of a boiled tomato. 和子触摸他时,他身上的肉就像煮过的西红柿一样,软绵绵的。
9. He wasn't content to sit and watch, but he couldn't stand unaided on the soft sand. 他不满足只是坐着观看。然而在松软的沙地上如果没人帮助,他又站不起来。
10. After landing at the Gale Morghe Airport, about five miles south of Teheran, we drove into town along a road which, as we arrived at the city limits, was lined with people. 在德黑兰以南约5英里的加尔莫尔盖机场降落后,我们驱车沿着公路进入城镇。当我们进入市区时,公路两旁站满了人。